Monday, April 27, 2009

Earth Movie

On Saturday, April 25th the Action Green Team went to see Disney's Earth. We had an outcome of 50 people show up to the movie. As most of you know, for every ticket purchased opening weekend, Disney will plant a tree in your honor. 50 trees have now been planted and 50 acts of ESD haved been proformed.
We would like to thank everybody who came to support our school in going Green.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Action Green Student Post#12

Posted by the Priors.

These are some things the Priors have done to make their environment a greener place.

1. We have been using Eco sense laundry detergent products for 6 years.

2. We use canvas grocery bags instead of plastic.

3. We recycle plastic, cans, glass, cardboard, paper, etc.

4. Pick up after our dog daily.

5. We use cold water for laundry.

6. We use re-usable water bottles.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Action Green Student Post#11

Posted by the Mobleys.

These are some things the Mobleys have done to make their environment a greener place.

1. Turn off lights when we leave a room.
2. Make our own household cleaner from non-toxic substances (vinegar, baking soda, etc.)
3. Draw on the back side of paper that mom brings home from work rather than a new sheet of paper.
4. Drink out of our reusable nalgene and stainless steel water bottles.
5. Recycle everything that can be recycled instead of thrown away (bottles, cans, newspaper, etc.)
6. Take reusable canvas bags to the grocery store.
7. Use old socks, towels and washcloths as rags.
8. We donate old clothes, toys, etc. to Goodwill so they can be reused.
9. We make compost from our discarded veggies and fruits for our garden.
10. We all bring our lunch to school/work in reusable bags.
11. Unplug appliances that are not being used.
12. Use a battery-powered lawn mower instead of gas powered.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Action Green Student Post#10

Posted by Angel Pederson.

These are some things Angel has done to make her environment a greener place.

1. I adopted an endangered animal called Darwin's Fox
2. I made signs to remind people to turn off lights
3. I made signs for the recycle bins in the garage
4. I gave my clothes that didn't fit me away to kids that they would fit instead of throwing them away
5. I've been taking my own water bottle to class

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Action Green Student Post#9

Posted by Riley Pederson.

These are some things Riley has done to make his environment a greener place.

1. Plant more trees/plants. Also, every time I break a wooden board I will plant a tree, so we don’t reduce
2. I try to use scrap paper to reduce paper waste.
3. I always turn the water off when I brush my teeth and never leave it running continuously.
4. I am trying not to use the heater so much.
5. I am recycling aluminum cans, plastic bottles, paper, etc.
6. I usually use a portable iPod player, one that’s doesn’t use batteries or doesn’t plug-in, except when I need a plug-in or battery one for tournaments.
7. I try to unplug any unnecessary electronics.

Action Green Student Post#8

Posted by the Woodwards.

These are some things the Woodwards have done to make their environment a greener place.

We bought small towels to use when we eat instead of using paper towels or napkins.
We wash our ziplock bags and re-use them.
We no longer use the heat dry function on the dish washer.
We bought a "Go Green" lawn mower and cant wait to start using it.
We unplug everything when not in use.
We recycle what we can (soda cans , paper , plastic).
We bought canvas bags to use when we go shopping.
We do not liter and pick up liter when we see it.

Did You Know: If you park your car in the shade, it reduces the amount of gas evaporated into the atmosphere, so park in the shade when possible even if you have to walk farther by doing so.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Action Green Student Post#8

Posted by Susan Pederson.

These are some things Susan has done to make her environment a greener place.

1. I save a lot of cardboard containers like egg cartons, oatmeal containers, toilet paper tubes, paper towel tubes, gift wrap tubes, milk cartons, etc. and use them for my preschool.

2. I use empty containers for leftovers instead of buying new containers.

3. I keep a scrap box of paper scraps to be used for projects.

4. I save old crayons and melt them down for scribble crayons. I also use them for coloring in homemade candles.

5. We recycle newspapers, printed paper, mail, aluminum cans, tin cans, plastic, cardboard and glass bottles.

6. I mail back empty computer ink cartridges for reuse.

7. I don't litter and I have taught my children not to litter.

8. I have an energy efficient washing machine and dryer. I wash all of our clothes in cold water.

9. We use plastic grocery bags in our waste baskets.

10. I just got a bunch of cloth bags to use/reuse for grocery shopping.

11. We're going to start a compost in our back yard.

12. We're going to plant a vegetable garden and not use pesticides.

13. I'm going to make "green", non-toxic cleaning products for cleaning my house.

Action Green Student Post#7

Posted by the Packards

These are some things the Packards have done to make their environment a greener place.

1. Recycle items codes 1 - 5.
2. Use canvas bags.
3 Pick up after our dog.
4. Pick up trash outside.
5 Turn off water while brushing teeth.
6. Use "green" light bulbs.
7. Eat more organic foods.
8. Clean with cloth towels.
9. Use earth friendly.

Action Green Student Post#6

Posted by Sammy Martinez.

These are some things Sammy has done to make his environment a greener place.

On April 12, Sammy cleaned up 30 pieces of trash from a downtown parking lot to make the world a cleaner place.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Disney is running a cool promotion for their Earth documentary. If you buy a ticket for opening weekend (April 22), they'll plant a tree in your name. They're on sale now via Disney's official Earth Site.

Our ATA Green Team is planning on seeing this together on Saturday, April 25th. Make sure you are checking your emails for the time, theater and other useful information.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Action Green Student Post#5

Posted by Christine Negreanu.

These are some things Christine has done to make her environment a greener place.

1. Change my showerhead
2. Change faucet to save water
3. Change light bulbs
4. Cheep night lights
5. Turn off the water when brushing my teeth
6. Turn off the lights when I leave a room
7. Turn off the TV when I go to bed
8. Unplug my cell phone charger.
9. Bring a water bottle to class
10. Recycle at home

Action Green Student Post#4

Posted by Riley Pederson.

These are some things Riley has implemented to make his environment a greener place.

1. I have started turning lights off when not used.
2. I am trying to take shorter showers and not waste so much water.
3. Whenever my computer is not charging I always unplug it so I don’t waste electricity.
4. I have started to print things double sided so I don’t waste paper.
5. I encouraged my family to stop using paper plates even though they didn't want to.
6. I am going to the store to buy some mechanical pencils.
7. I never use plastic forks or plastic spoons.

More to come...

Action Green Instructor Post#1

Posted by Ms. L. Pederson

These are some things Ms. Pederson has done to make her environment a greener place.

1. Hey, I just wanted to let you know that even though I don't like to wash dishes after lunch, I have stopped using paper plates! I even found some reusable plates at Cost Plus that I am going to get for our next Parent's Night Out so we don't have so much waste :-) Look for a dish washing station at the next PNO. Mr. R. Pederson, I think you would be a great person to be in charge of that! Also, when you are having your Birthday Party at Taekwondo or anywhere, please consider the environment before using paper plates.

Action Green Student Post#3

Posted by The Moyer Family.

These are some things The Moyer Family has implemented to make their environment a greener place.

1. Turning off the lights when not using them
2. Unplugging cell phone chargers when not using them (we didn’t know that used electricity!)
3. Turning off our car while waiting to pick the kids up at school
4. Purchasing a tire pump to keep at home so that tires are more inflated

Action Green Student Post#2

Posted by Christian Flannery.

These are some things Christian has done to make his environment a greener place.

1. I have asked my parents to unplug their cell phone chargers
2. I have personally moved my charger to another outlet for easier reach (to plug/unplug)
3. We're unplugging all kitchen appliances when not in use, such as coffee maker, toaster, etc.
4. We also recycle, paper, plastic, all kinds of things
5. We've also donated old cell phones and cartridges to my school for recycling

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Action Green Student Post#1

Posted by Bree Zeigler.

These are some things Bree has done to make her environment a greener place.

1. I have been printing my pictures together on one page to save paper instead of printing them all separately!

2. I have been using my sigg and nalgene water bottles!

3. I have been using my mechanical pencils and not using my wood ones

4. I have unplugged any unnecessary electronics

What You Can Do

What You Can Do

As promised, here’s the list of things our Leadership Students came up with last night in class. Keep track of the things you do at home, school and Taekwondo to help us reach 40,000 Acts of Environmental Self-Defense. If everybody pitches in, we can do it! Have another idea? Send it to us at and we’ll post it. So, get started and stay tuned for more…

1. Use a lunchbox instead of a paper bag.
2. Pick-up trash you see lying you see on the ground.
3. Stop using paper plates and Styrofoam cups.
4. Use canvas bags instead of plastic bags.
5. Recycle plastic bags at your local grocery store.
6. Reduce water usage, (Turn off the water while brushing your teeth, take short showers etc.)
7. Reduce electricity usage, (Turn off lights during the day or turns off lights when you are not using them, don’t watch so much TV, unplug cell phone charges when not being used, this wastesa lot of energy! Unplug computer chargers at night, etc.)
8. Create compost heaps.
9. Reuse plastic bags or plastic containers.
10. Reduce the use of paper, (Reuse scrap paper for lists or something to write on, print thingsdouble sided, reuse kid menus or don’t use them at all, use dry erase boards, etc.)
11. Take aluminum cans to recycle plants.
12. Use water bottles.
13. Plant plants/trees to produce oxygen.
14. Use unwanted shirts as rags or donate them to a church or homeless shelters.15. Use mechanical pencils.
16. Use hand dryers and not paper towel.
17. Save gas (Check tire pressure, walk or ride your bike instead of driving in a car, etc.)