Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Action Green Student Post#9

Posted by Riley Pederson.

These are some things Riley has done to make his environment a greener place.

1. Plant more trees/plants. Also, every time I break a wooden board I will plant a tree, so we don’t reduce
2. I try to use scrap paper to reduce paper waste.
3. I always turn the water off when I brush my teeth and never leave it running continuously.
4. I am trying not to use the heater so much.
5. I am recycling aluminum cans, plastic bottles, paper, etc.
6. I usually use a portable iPod player, one that’s doesn’t use batteries or doesn’t plug-in, except when I need a plug-in or battery one for tournaments.
7. I try to unplug any unnecessary electronics.

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What You Can Do

What You Can Do

As promised, here’s the list of things our Leadership Students came up with last night in class. Keep track of the things you do at home, school and Taekwondo to help us reach 40,000 Acts of Environmental Self-Defense. If everybody pitches in, we can do it! Have another idea? Send it to us at atagreenteam@gmail.com and we’ll post it. So, get started and stay tuned for more…

1. Use a lunchbox instead of a paper bag.
2. Pick-up trash you see lying you see on the ground.
3. Stop using paper plates and Styrofoam cups.
4. Use canvas bags instead of plastic bags.
5. Recycle plastic bags at your local grocery store.
6. Reduce water usage, (Turn off the water while brushing your teeth, take short showers etc.)
7. Reduce electricity usage, (Turn off lights during the day or turns off lights when you are not using them, don’t watch so much TV, unplug cell phone charges when not being used, this wastesa lot of energy! Unplug computer chargers at night, etc.)
8. Create compost heaps.
9. Reuse plastic bags or plastic containers.
10. Reduce the use of paper, (Reuse scrap paper for lists or something to write on, print thingsdouble sided, reuse kid menus or don’t use them at all, use dry erase boards, etc.)
11. Take aluminum cans to recycle plants.
12. Use water bottles.
13. Plant plants/trees to produce oxygen.
14. Use unwanted shirts as rags or donate them to a church or homeless shelters.15. Use mechanical pencils.
16. Use hand dryers and not paper towel.
17. Save gas (Check tire pressure, walk or ride your bike instead of driving in a car, etc.)
